Thanks for your interest in learning more about Dr. Daniel Keith and DK Orthodontics. Please fill out the information below and we will reach out to you soon!
DK Orthodontics
Bismarck: 4212 Boulder Ridge Road, Bismarck ND 58503
Dickinson: 849 3rd Avenue West
Dickinson, ND 58506
Phone: 701.751.8444
Email: info@dkortho.com
Business Hours:
7 AM – 5 PMÂ Monday through Wednesday
7 AM – 3 PM on Thursdays
Fridays (Hours may vary, please call)
Please call Bismarck office for hours

Bismarck Location
DK Orthodontics - Bismarck Office
4212 Boulder Ridge Road Bismarck, ND 58503
Dickinson Location
DK Ortho - Dickinson Office
849 3rd Avenue West
Dickinson, ND 58506