Thanks for your interest in learning more about Dr. Daniel Keith and DK Orthodontics. Please fill out the information below and we will reach out to you soon!

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DK Orthodontics

Bismarck: 4212 Boulder Ridge Road, Bismarck ND 58503
Dickinson: 849 3rd Avenue West
Dickinson, ND 58506

Phone: 701.751.8444



Business Hours:
7 AM – 5 PM Monday through Wednesday
7 AM – 3 PM on Thursdays
Fridays (Hours may vary, please call)
Please call Bismarck office for hours

DK Ortho Front of Building

Bismarck Location

DK Orthodontics - Bismarck Office

4212 Boulder Ridge Road Bismarck, ND 58503

Dickinson Location

DK Ortho - Dickinson Office

849 3rd Avenue West

Dickinson, ND 58506